Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Health Care Careers Diagram and Summary Essay Example for Free

Health C atomic number 18 Careers Diagram and Summary shewThe role of the Chief development Officer (CIO) in healthcare has become one of the main lifelines in the industry. The CIO is the most important person within an brass section in regards to the collecting, organization, monitoring and securing of data. The CIO is a critical member of the executive leadership team. Charged with developing the organizations scheme, he or she is responsible for track the IT staff and ensuring overall compliance with all regulatory requirements. The CIO is also responsible for keeping up-to-date with the a la mode(p) technology trends as well as threats and being able to adapt the organizations strategy to mitigate those threats. The CIO also facilities and drives change within the organization (Glaser Williams, 2010).The CIO is responsible for establishing and maintaining many key relationships within an organizations leadership team. They work to provide valuable input that helps shape the entire organizations vision and path to success. The CIO reports consistently on the progress and development of all information technology (IT) projects, issues, and tasks. They are the brain of the business-body, monitoring and regulating all the data that passes through. Without CIOs, a healthcare company would collapse under the weight of unprocessed information. (Becoming a Healthcare CIO (Chief Information Officer), 2012)The CIO focuses on updating and optimizing existing systems while utilizing unfermented systems effectively and efficiently. They are also responsible for updating and maintaining capabilities, strengthening policies and reworking procedures on a daily basis. The CIO is the face up line of defense for protecting the organization against fraud and abuse, as well as securing all electronic patient health information (ePHI). The role of the CIO has evolved as the health care industry has faced changes with the colony oninformation technology.Figure 1. Chief Information Officers responsibilities within a health care organization. As shown in Figure 1, a health care CIO faces many challenges on a day-to-day basis. These challenges are in the form of maintaining existing systems, optimizing new systems, and protecting PHI. The role of the CIO will enshroud to evolve as the health care system changes and the dependency and regulations surrounding the role of information technology increase.ReferencesBecoming a Healthcare CIO (Chief Information Officer). (2012). Retrieved from HealthcareAdministration.com http//www.healthcareadministration.com/becoming-a-healthcare-cio-chief-information-officer/ Glaser, J. P., Williams, R. B. (2010). The Definitive Evolution of the Role of the CIO. Journal of Healthcare Information management, 21(1), 9-11. Retrieved from http//www.himss.org/files/HIMSSorg/content/files/03_column_Leadership.pdf

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